Saturday, December 27, 2008


We had a low-key Christmas this year, just the 3 of us. The kids spent Christmas Eve lamenting the loss of their belief in Santa Clause, but they were excited Christmas morning to open presents. There were LOTS under our tree, even for me. My sister and my Dad made sure I had plenty to open as well. We spent hours playing Rock Band on the Wii, which was the "big deal" present my kids received this year. I made a nice dinner with a Prime Rib Roast and the green bean casserole and mashed potatoes my kids love. I spoke to my sister and my Dad on the phone, and we spent the day in our pajamas or comfortable clothes. No one to visit, nowhere to go, but that was okay. Sometimes it's good to have a quiet, unencumbered Christmas. While small in terms of attendees, the holiday was still large--filled with material goods, set in a large, warm house we can call our own.

I know Christmases aren't like ours for everyone, so I am grateful for what I have been able to provide. I love Christmas, but it saddens me, too. All the emphasis on buying gifts and having family must be so hard on those with no money to spend or no family to visit. Christmas has become so "over-hyped" that it becomes difficult to enjoy. So much pressure, so much to do. I'm glad I didn't go crazy this year trying to live up to the commercials. Some years I do, and it makes me irritable and stressed-out. This year, I just took it all in stride, accomplished what I was able to accomplish, and didn't lose sleep over the things I didn't accomplish.

Christmas still arrived, despite the fact that I never took the kids to the Botanical Gardens to look at the lights and never made it to the Christmas Eve service at Church. I forgot to take pictures of the kids opening presents Christmas morning, and I never got around to making fudge or gingerbread cookies.

But we still had Christmas; my kids are happy; I am happy, and, most importantly, I am also completely and totally relaxed. Maybe next year I'll go crazy over Christmas and get it all done, but this year, it felt good to just keep it low-key.

1 comment:

Granny Smith said...

This sounds like a lovely Christmas day. We have experienced both kinds - the simple and the elaborate - and both seem to evoke the magic of Christmas.