"What do you need to/ want to give birth to? What has been born through you? What new beginning are you responsible for?"
This is the Sunday Scribblings Prompt for the week, and I decided I needed to answer each question because I'm not creative enough to provide a spiffy, enlightening response.
I NEED to give birth to My Confident, Adult Self. I am my own worst enemy, wracked with feelings of self-doubt and childish insecurities. It causes me grief and sadness and prevents me from having healthy, meaningful relationships with people, especially MEN.
I have BORN two healthy, amazing children who reflect my Dominant genetic code and the accompanying strengths and weaknesses within that code. They may have their Father's Eyes and Hair Color, but everything else about them is linked to ME in so many ways. They LOOK like me, they ACT like me, and they BEHAVE like me. They are my "Mini-MEs." But, that is not such a good thing. I NEED to Mother them in a healthy, positive way, and I think I am doing an Okay Job in that department, but it could probably be improved upon.
I need to be RESPONSIBLE for a new beginning. I need to STOP immersing myself in my job, so I can spend more time and energy on my kids. I also need to take better care of myself because even if I think "nobody" gives a shit about me, that's not really true.
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