Friday, May 21, 2010

Vacations and Ungrateful Children

When I was a kid, the only "vacations" we ever took were obligatory trips to Arizona to visit the relatives. My sister and I spent most of our time feeling BORED, but we always looked forward to the trips because at least we got to get out of town, and our Mom always made the long car trips fun by packing the station wagon (aka "Family Truckster") full of snacks and games and puzzle books. Outside of the obligatory annual trip to visit the relatives, the only REAL Vacation we ever took was a trip to Disneyland when I was in the 4th grade. So, while my childhood was quite comfortable and idyllic and wonderful, it was also mostly devoid of fancy, expensive Vacations.

Fast forward a few decades. Now I'M a parent and, of course, I want my kids to have everything AND MORE than I had growing up.

I haven't taken my kids on a "proper" vacation in YEARS! In fact, the ONLY Vacation my kids have ever experienced was a trip to Disneyland when they were small that was largely financed by my Brother-in-Law. Neither one of my kids remembers it.

A few years ago, my daughter came home from school with one of those Time Magazine-sponsored "articles," and it was all about Yellowstone. She was totally enthralled by the idea of taking a trip there. Her timing couldn't have been worse. I was newly-divorced and right smack dab in the middle of a custody evaluation, struggling to pay both Alimony AND Child Support on top of Attorney Fees and rent, utilities, insurance, etc.

Despite having a good-paying job, I was BROKE. No vacations for us! I substituted Cub Scout Family Campouts and trips to visit my sister at my Grandparent's Cabin instead.

But, I never forgot that glossy, promotional, tree-hugging, environmentalist propaganda (ha ha) that my daughter brought home from school. A VACATION to Yellowstone became my GOAL!

It has taken me 4 YEARS to find myself in a place financially where I can make this trip happen. I am dedicating a good $2,500 to this trip, half of it funded by my income tax refund, and the rest of it funded by funneling $100 into a Savings Account every pay period for the last year or so. My Dad gave me the PBS National Parks DVD set for Christmas. I have spent HOURS online working out the details and finding the best possible accommodations. I have rented a car for the first time in my life. I have cashed in Marriott Rewards points to get a night of free lodging on our return trip home. I have purchased memory cards and rechargeable batteries for our digital cameras. I have checked weather reports and made lists.

I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

And my kids?


Even my daughter pointed out tonight at the dinner table that she wanted to go to Yellowstone "in the 2nd grade."

Parenthood is a thankless job.

I would like to take an Alaskan Cruise someday. My kids don't want to go on a Cruise. I'm still siphoning money into my Savings Account every pay period. So, next year, I'm going on that Alaskan Cruise, and I am NOT taking my kids with me.


myrtle beached whale said...

I hope you enjoy it more than we did. Bumper to bumper traffic through the park was not that wonderful.

Blondie said...

I'm hoping that the recession, high unemployment, and the fact that my kids get out of school before the rest of the country will "thin the herds." If not, well, we'll have our laptops, a deck of cards, and books to read, so we can still call it a vacation!